Results for the Main Tournament event on October 11, 2021
Pos | Player | Rank | Rating | Points |
1 | Joshua Franklin | 292 | 1622.57 | 19.10 |
2 | Travis Hockemeyer | 368 | 1706.12 | 12.52 |
3 | Lukas Bakle | 1042 | 1410.41 | 9.39 |
3 | Rachel Moore | 9995 | 1162.34 | 9.39 |
5 | Mark Moore IN | 478 | 1488.94 | 5.64 |
6 | Logan Bradford | 1450 | 1438.30 | 4.44 |
6 | david bradford | 1554 | 1285.03 | 4.44 |
9 | Josh Riggle | 1658 | 1453.68 | 2.33 |
9 | mattison ogden | 485 | 1402.51 | 2.33 |
9 | Christian Myles | 27489 | Not Rated | 2.33 |
9 | Chris Fogel | 791 | 1318.74 | 2.33 |
13 | Kurt Swank | 3007 | 1365.52 | 1.32 |
13 | Brandon Riggle | 3175 | 1392.25 | 1.32 |
13 | Issac Bowers | 8194 | 1221.77 | 1.32 |
13 | Nick Squires | 757 | 1507.71 | 1.32 |
16 | Duke Roth | 27489 | Not Rated | 1.07 |
18 | Trisha Burgess | 2309 | 1209.13 | 0.95 |
18 | Daequan Sanders | 4533 | 1127.90 | 0.95 |
18 | Marty Kraft | 4558 | 1209.33 | 0.95 |
23 | Molly Oury | 556 | 1345.78 | 0.67 |
23 | Ryan Quinn | 1189 | 1418.01 | 0.67 |
23 | Austin Albertson | 4440 | 1228.84 | 0.67 |
23 | Mitchell Corley | 4361 | 1234.09 | 0.67 |
23 | Rick Berner | 5068 | 1366.73 | 0.67 |
23 | shannon egnor | 1970 | 1259.09 | 0.67 |
23 | Dan White | 884 | 1540.65 | 0.67 |
29 | Rose Quinn | 5313 | 1136.97 | 0.34 |
29 | Andy Dill | 706 | 1509.50 | 0.34 |
29 | Macy Richards | 5358 | 1239.82 | 0.34 |
29 | tim hovey | 1667 | 1410.72 | 0.34 |
29 | Bob Dull | 1116 | 1336.52 | 0.34 |
32 | Mike Burgess | 212 | 1519.08 | 0.17 |
32 | Scott Elliott | 290 | 1559.73 | 0.17 |
34 | Phil Black | 1931 | 1396.58 | 0.06 |
Format Details
Event Name : | Main Tournament |
Format : | Strike Knockout |
Player Limit : | 250 |
Unlimited Qualifying? : | No |
Tournament Overview
Tournament Date: October 11, 2021
2021 Stern Army Fort Wayne Pinball Wizard's World Weekly 4 Strike Knockout Tournament.
Event starts at 7pm sharp every monday of 2021, for each round you are late you will receive a strike.
$1 for IFPA Fee and coin drop.
Every 3rd Monday of the month bring an extra $5 for the winners pot.
4 Strikes Tournament. 4 player groups (sometimes 3 if odd grouping) Bottom 2 players in a 4 player group get a strike, 3 player group - only third place gets a strike.
#Stern #SternArmy #RetroArcade #SternPinball #FortWayne #Indiana #Huntertown #Pinball #Arcade #PinballMachine #PinballWizard #bellesandchimesfortwayne #americanpinball
Event starts at 7pm sharp every monday of 2021, for each round you are late you will receive a strike.
$1 for IFPA Fee and coin drop.
Every 3rd Monday of the month bring an extra $5 for the winners pot.
4 Strikes Tournament. 4 player groups (sometimes 3 if odd grouping) Bottom 2 players in a 4 player group get a strike, 3 player group - only third place gets a strike.
#Stern #SternArmy #RetroArcade #SternPinball #FortWayne #Indiana #Huntertown #Pinball #Arcade #PinballMachine #PinballWizard #bellesandchimesfortwayne #americanpinball
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